Toilet Ware by the Taylor, Smith & Taylor Co.
LaurelHollowPark.net, an informative website created and
maintained by Mark Gonzalez. Copyright © 2009-2025.
The Taylor, Smith & Taylor Company made several lines of toilet ware from their earliest days in 1900 until the late 1920s. Each of their toilet ware lines consisted of standard items; brush vase, covered chamber pot, large ewer with basin, mouth ewer, covered soap dish with drainer, shaving mug, and slop jar. Some shapes had extra pieces. For example, the Pittsburgh shape had a slop pail -- slightly different in shape from the slop jar. The Chicago shape had a "hand ewer and basin" which was a smaller version of the regular ewer and basin.

Toilet ware was decorated with a wide variety of floral decals, hand-painted bodies, and gold tracings. Treatments on toilet ware were rather ornate in comparison to dinnerware made at the same time.

There were at least six shapes. The only four I've been able to name are the Cable, New York, Chicago, and Pittsburgh shapes. (Vintage ads spelled Pittsburgh with and without the "h".) Expect to find these with the old griffin TST marking.

Early covered soap dish, circa 1900 - 1901. Shape unknown. Marked with a Taylor, Lee & Smith backstamp.

Chambert and brush vase, 1905. Shape unknown.

Advert for Chicago (upper left), Pittsburgh (upper right), and Plain Cable (bottom row).

Chicago and Cable shapes used in a juvenile toilet set.

Pittsburgh shaving mug and mouth ewer.

Pittsburgh shaving mug and brush vase.

Marking on the shaving mug.

New York shape ewer.

Advert for the Pittsburg shape.

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