Taylorton by the Taylor, Smith & Taylor Co.
LaurelHollowPark.net, an informative website created and
maintained by Mark Gonzalez. Copyright © 2009-2025.
Many potteries were testing the waters with translucent wares in response to the many "fine china" patterns being imported from Japan. Designed by John Gilkes, Taylorton was Taylor, Smith & Taylor's response.

Taylorton was first produced in late 1958 and introduced to the public in early 1959. To the right is a piece which appeared in the East Liverpool, Ohio newspaper, The Evening Review, on April 6, 1959. It discusses the Taylorton shape's debut at the TS&T outlet. The full text reads:

More than 2,000 visited the Taylor, Smith & Taylor Co. outlet in Chester Sunday as the company's new Taylorton china patterns were placed on display locally for the first time.

"Highly pleased," was the comment on TS&T executives on the attendance during the first day of the exhibit, which will continue though next Sunday.

Mrs. Margorie McClung, manager of the company's retail outlet, admires one of the patterns just before the doors were thrown open to the public yesterday. John Gilkes, designer of the new line, looks on.

The display is the same as the one at which the ware was introduced to buyers at the Atlantic City trade show in January.

Taylorton was mainly offered with decals. Sets could often be ordered with or without colored interiors. Undecorated Taylorton was sold as, "Ivory Tower."

The "Echo Dell" and "Autumn Splendor" brochures at the bottom of the page show and list the assortment. Only one piece was added to the line after the brochures were printed. It was the "Social Carafe" which was made with a walnut handle and sold with a ceramic stand and brass warmer.

Most Taylorton can be found with an overglaze marking with the pattern name included in the backstamp.

Taylorton was still offered in the 1965 general catalog. However it was phased out in the late 1960s.

1960 Taylorton advertisement from McCall's magazine. The "Social Carafe" featured front and center.

1959 Taylorton advertisements from Good Housekeeping magazine.

"Echo Dell" plate, cup, and saucer [1]

"Rose Sachet" - cups with and without pink interiors [1]

"Rose Sachet" platter and casserole [1]

"Rose Sachet" soup, medium vegetable, and large vegetable [1]

"Rose Sachet" sugar (minus the lid), creamer, and shakers [1]

"Silver Wheat" plate, cup, saucer, sugar, creamer, and relish tray [2]

Taylorton relish tray and salt server/ashtray

Taylorton overglaze backstamp

"Dianthus" buffet salt and pepper mill

1959 brochures featuring Echo Dell and Autumn Splendor

Photo Credits:
[1] Jo Cunningham
[2] Rick Hindes

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