Savoy by the Taylor, Smith & Taylor Co., an informative website created and
maintained by Mark Gonzalez. Copyright © 2009-.
Savoy was one of Taylor, Smith & Taylor's first dinnerware shapes. The black and white photocopy below came from a 1903 edition of the trade journal, China, Glass and Lamps. It promoted Savoy as a new TS&T product for the year. The embossed shape was made with some distinctive features. The casserole and sauceboat were given a top heavy design. Lids for the different covered dishes as well as the sugar were upswept in the center and flat around the edge.
Savoy must have been discontinued early since it is rather hard to find today. It is often found marked with the TST griffin backstamp.
 Savoy trade advert from 1903 |
 Savoy shape covered dish |