The Navarre and Normandie shapes were produced by Taylor, Smith & Taylor in the very early 1900s. Navarre was introduced around 1903 and Normandie soon followed. Most potteries during this time period were making fancy embossed wares. TS&T's Navarre and Normandie were typical examples of this popular style. There were some major differences between the two. Navarre had crown like open finials, whereas Normandie's was solid and knob shaped. Navarre handles were styled with sharp angles, Normandie's handles were more rounded. Flatware for Normandie was given more scallops and the light embossing extended farther into the wide rim. Below are cuts from an early TS&T catalog which highlights the differences between the two shapes.
 Comparison of shapes, left to right: coffee cups and saucers, covered dishes, dinner plates, teacups and saucers. |
Navarre and Normandie were primarily dinnerware shapes. They were decorated with a wide variety of floral decals, gold stamps, and gold tracings. However, the shapes were also used as specialty pieces (particularly Normandie plates and plaques) and in children's tea sets.
By 1912, Navarre and Normandie were discontinued as TS&T became more focused on simpler shapes such as Pennova and Latona. More than likely Normandie was retired first since less of it is found than Navarre. Both shapes were marked with the TS&T griffin backstamp.