Laurel and Empire by The Taylor, Smith & Taylor Co., an informative website created and
maintained by Mark Gonzalez. Copyright © 2009-.
The Laurel shape was introduced by Taylor, Smith & Taylor in 1933, and the Empire shape in 1936. Both are attributed to ceramicist J. Palin Thorley. Laurel was a plain round rim shape which replaced the older Iona and Capitol lines. A wide array of decorations was developed for the new plain shape.
The hollowware was given a formal look, complete with ring handles and a well defined foot. Hollowware shapes made for Laurel include: teacup, sugar, creamer, teapot, casserole, gravy boat, gravy fast stand, round covered butter, and a cream soup cup.
Early pieces of Laurel can be found marked with the TS&T shield backstamp. The remainder will have the standard TS&T wreath marking.
 1933 trade ad for the Laurel shape |
 Vestal Rose and Vine Wreath on Laurel, 1933 Sears catalog |
Thorley designed two final shapes for TS&T which were released in 1936; Beverly and Empire. He only needed to create the hollowware for each since the flatware for Beverly came from the already existing Delphian shape, and the flatware for Empire came from Laurel.
Empire hollowware was given a much more streamline look which was popular in the late 1930s. The hollowware created for Empire included: teacup, sugar, creamer, teapot, casserole, muffin cover, salt and pepper shakers, gravy boat, footed service jug (which was replaced by a non-footed version.) The gravy fast-stand and cream soup cup weren't made for Empire. Instead, it picked up the Laurel versions. Other Empire pieces were added later such as the demitasse set, juice pitcher, and covered butter.
Empire is often marked with a wreath backstamp. In many cases, it will also have a special "Premier Potters of America" decal marking.
 Pine Cone on Empire and Gold Wreath on Laurel, mid-1940s |
In the summer of 1936, Thorley left TS&T. A short article in East Liverpool, Ohio's Evening Review mentions the going away party thrown in his honor:
TS&T Executives Fete J. P. Thorleys
Retiring Art Director Presented Watch at Farewell Party
Mr. and Mrs. J. Palin Thorley of the Park way were tendered a farewell reception by about 60 members of the executive staff of the Taylor, Smith & Taylor Pottery Co. of Chester Wednesday night. Mr. Thorley, who has been art director for the Taylor, Smith & Taylor Co., will leave soon for Carrollton, where he will be vice president and superintendent for the Carrollton China Co.
Motion pictures of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Thorley and friends taken on their travels in Europe, Bermuda and Nassau, were shown. Mr. Smith presented Mr. Thorley with a handsome wrist watch in behalf of the plant executives. Mr. Thorley expressed his thanks for the token.
A buffet lunch was served.
In 1938, the Empire shape became the basis for TS&T's famous Lu-Ray Pastels line. When Versatile was released in the 1950s, Empire hollowware (and to a much lesser extent Laurel hollowware) was picked up. Mixing shapes was common practice in the 1950s and '60s which created more options. Empire can also be found in Pebbleford glazes - with and without decals.
Laurel was made well into the 1950s. Empire was phased out in the early 1960s.
Laurel and Empire hollowware comparisons |
 Laurel sugar and creamer, pattern 634 |
 Empire sugar and creamer, "Cross Stitch Rose" |
 Laurel covered casserole, pattern 1809 |
 Empire covered casserole, "Green Wheat", 1177 |
Laurel Hollowware Examples |
 Laurel casserole, pattern 935 |
 Laurel sugar, pattern 682 |
 Laurel sugar and creamer, pattern 1656 |
 Laurel sugar and creamer, "Carnation" pattern 1782 |
 Laurel gravy fast-stand, "Ships" |
 Laurel creamer and teacups, pattern 600 |
 Laurel platter, oval baker, and sauceboat, pattern 1819 |
 Laurel gravy fast-stand, "Acacia" pattern 1484 |
 Laurel cream soup and liner, pattern 1215 |
 Laurel creamer, "Pannier" pattern 596 |
 Laurel plate, fruit cup, and teacup, "Delphian Rose" |
 Laurel cup and saucer, "Dutch Vista" a.k.a. "Holland Mills", pattern 1398 |
 Laurel covered butter, "Sterling" pattern 601 |
 Laurel covered butter, "Silhouette" pattern 644 |
 Laurel sauceboat, wheat decal |
 Laurel cup and saucer, pattern 840, "Fiji" |
 Laurel teacup and creamer, pattern 745 |
 Laurel sauceboat with an Empire creamer, pattern 1519 |
 Laurel demitasse cup and saucer, pattern 1017 |
 Laurel casserole, Blue Dogwood pattern |
 Laurel demitasse cup and saucer, pattern 1670 |
 Laurel teapot, pattern 957 |
Empire Hollowware Examples |
 Empire teacups and saucers, "Heatherton" pattern 424 |
 Empire covered muffin, "Fifth Avenue" pattern 1505 |
 Empire sugar and creamer, pattern 1960 |
 Empire sugar and creamer, "White Flowers" pattern 1268 |
 Empire footed jug, all-over red rose transfer Courtesy Carl and Fran Stone |
 Empire jug, no foot, hand-painted fruit Courtesy Joe Zacharias |
 Empire footed jug, "Dutch Tulip" |
 Empire teapot, flat spout, with yellow band and gold stamps |
 Empire teapot, flat spout, pattern 1997 |
 Empire teapot, curved spout, pattern 1998 |
 Empire teapot, curved spout, red line and gold stamps |
 Empire tepoat, curved spout, probably decorated by an outside firm |
 Empire creamer, pattern 1349 |
 Empire sugar, "Blue Wheat", 1180 |
 Empire salt and pepper shakers |
 Empire demitasse set with pearlized glaze and gold trim |
 Empire sauceboat, pattern 1697 |
 Empire teacup and saucer, "Silhouette" pattern 644 |
 Empire curved spout teapot |
 Empire demitasse set, "Miami" pattern 1479 |
 Empire teapot, curved spout, pattern 2000 |
 Empire footed jugs with hand-painted work |
Examples of Laurel and Empire Flatware |
 "Italian Rose" |
 "Vine Wreath" pattern 574 |
 "Blue Wheat" with ivory shoulder, pattern 1882 |
 Pattern 1569 |
 "Red Wheat" pattern 1273 |
 Tulips, pattern 1331 |
 "Green Flower Basket" 1227 and "Daphne" 1802 |
 "Wheel" pattern 576 |
 Pattern 1768 |
 "Diana" |
 Mini platter with pattern 1178 |
 Pattern 2228 with yellow fade away trim |
 "Dresden" (left) and pattern 1854 (right) |
 Pattern 1951 |
 Pattern 1850 on a pair of fruit cups |
 Pattern 1819 |
 "Blue Willow" pattern 503 |
 "Green Briar" pattern 1823 |
 "Rosemont" pattern 2133 |
 "Green Wheat" pattern 1177 |
 Pattern 1173 |
 "Trinidad" pattern 2212 |
 Pattern 567 |
 Pattern 1216 |
 Pattern 781 ½ compartment plate |
 Pattern 1170 |
 "Rose Chintz" |
 Pattern 728 |
 "Water Lily" |
 "Wisteria" pattern 529 |
 Flower decals, 7" plate |
 Pattern 746 |
 All-over red rose and blue rose |
 "Peasant Rose" pattern 1634 |
 "Marsh Violet" pattern 2209 |
 Turkey platter |
 Cabbage Rose, pattern 1935 |
 Pattern 2093 ½ |
 "Scroll Border" pattern 1631 |
 Double rose cluster |
 Unidentified pattern |
 "Colonial Kitchen" with gold lace stamps |
 Mini platters |
 Mini platters |
 "Tulip Time" pattern 1373 |
 Pattern 1921 ½ |
 Pattern 546 - platinum and gray bands |
 "Napoli" pattern 1351 |
 "Pine cone" pattern 1649 |
 Pattern 1951 |
 Pattern 674 |
 Water Lily |
 Pattern 1255 |
 "Italian Rose with blue trim |
 Pattern 1861 |
 "Appalachian Heirloom" (Swan Flower decal) pattern 2204 |