Leigh Potters, Inc.
LaurelHollowPark.net, an informative website created and
maintained by Mark Gonzalez. Copyright © 2009-.
Leigh Potters, Inc actually started out as Crescent China. In 1922, the Sebring Pottery Company broke ground for Crescent in nearby Alliance, Ohio. The name was later changed to Leigh Potters, Inc. and it was managed by Charles Leigh Sebring. An advertisement which ran in the trade journals in the very late 1920s summed up the intent of Leigh Potters:
Europe-wise buyers pronounce this the leading dinnerware of the world. Convinced that America is tired of a flood of dull, cheerless, imitative dinnerware out of sympathy with the age in which we live, the famous Leigh Potters have dared to burn the bridges of outworn tradition behind them.
Under the stimulus of one of Europe's leading dinnerware designers, aided by the talents of several American artists distinguished by their ability to interpret modern thinking, Leigh Potters have inaugurated a new era in dinnerware. The new Leigh ware is utterly different from anything else in the world. Buyers from New York's greatest department stores have welcomed it with intense enthusiasm. A buyer who visited the potteries of ten European countries summed up the unanimous opinion when he said, "Europe has nothing that compares favorably with it."
The firm ended up closing in 1933, however, since it was part of the Sebring conglomerate of potteries, it could be opened up as needed. The following ran in The Salem News on Friday, April 26, 1935 and discusses the use of the Leigh Potters plant.
Approximately 50 people are now employed at the Leigh Potters, Inc. plant in East Alliance after a shutdown of two years and this number will be increased to 200 or more within six weeks. In the late summer it is expected the plant will be operating at capacity according to C. L. Sebring, president.
A large force of men has been busy for several days getting ready for production. Two shifts of mould makers began work last week and it is planned to begin making clay next week. Sebring stated Thursday that employees would be added in the various departments as rapidly as they can be handled.
Management of the plant will be in the hands of Charles L. Sebring, president. William Watkin will be superintendent.
The plant was closed about two years ago when its production was merged with that of Sebring and Limoges Potteries in the latter plant. Increase in business has prompted the officials to reopen their Leigh plant to handle the orders.
This will make the third pottery reopened since the industry was at its lowest ebb here. The old E. H. Sebring plant was the first opened by Royal China, Inc., followed by the opening of the old Saxon plant by the French-Saxon company. The Sebring and French plants are the only two out of seven in the Sebring-Alliance district not in operation.
You will find a lot of overlap with Crescent, Leigh, and Sebring with respect to shapes, patterns, and markings. Below are some trade advertisements from the late 1920s and early 1930s that focus on Leigh Potters.

This photo of Leigh Potters comes from the collection of Alliance, Ohio resident and historian Harold Vogus.
Vogus had given it to author Jo Cunningham in 1983. He noted the original was dated March 22, 1930.
 Advertisement for the Mayfair pattern, dated July 1929. |
 Advertisement for the Ultra shape, dated March 1930. |
 Tower, Madison, Gleneden, Mayfair, and Green Wheat. |
 The pattern on the top is "Clio" on the Corinthian shape. |
 Promotional photo, Ultra shape. |
 "The Clipper" pattern. |
 Leigh's fast stand giblet bowl. |
 Leigh's Aristocrat shape with gold lines and handles. |
 Aristocrat demitasse coffeepot
Courtesy: Fran & Carl Stone. |
 Aristocrat shape sugar and creamer with blue bands. |