Lake Newell was a man-made lake adjacent to the park and constructed in 1906. A Homer Laughlin promotion of the area describes the ravine extending from
Laurel Hollow towards the Ohio River:
For half a mile from this spring the park extends through the wooded sides of Laurel Hollow, which has been improved only by smooth graded walks, rustic bridges and comfortable seats, in so far as they may not interfere with the wild natural effect. As the ravine approaches the river it widens and the banks are lower. Here has been constructed Lake Newell, an artificial body of water covering twenty acres. It lies in an exquisitely beautiful basin of horse shoe shape one mile in circumference. For a year a large force of men under the direction of an expert landscape gardener has been engaged in beautifying the surroundings of the lake.
A small article from The Evening Review dated February 21, 1921 discusses the eventual fate of the lake:
The Newell Park lake just west of the Homer Laughlin China company's plant, built 15 years ago by the late George Clarke as part of Laurel Hollow Park, is gradually disappearing.
The lake, at one time was perhaps the largest artificial body of water in this section. The ravine, in which the lake is situated, is now being used as a dumping ground for saggers, ashes, and other refuse of Newell's potteries.
The pond is the last remaining attraction of the park, which at one time brought hundreds of picnickers to Newell every day. The park was built at an expense of approximately $10,000. Bear pits, monkey cages, an artificial pond and a deer range were some of the attractions at the park.
For many years the area was filled with unglazed ware, shards, old molds, and related pottery items. It used to be accessible to anyone and just about every kid in Newell played in the dump at one time or another. In recent years, the dump was covered over. Now HLC uses the northern portion as a dump which is chained off.
 Boat Landing at Lake Newell |
 The white mass in the center is the old
pottery dump. Circa 1970s. |
 Where Lake Newell and the old pottery dump once existed. Summer 2012. |
The Lake Newell Floral Co. This is a magnified portion of a vintage Homer Laughlin postcard showing the Lake Newell Floral Co. It consisted of a set of
greenhouses with Homer Laughlin on the north side and Lake Newell to its west side. |
The Lake Newell Floral Company was mentioned in The Evening Review on August 20, 1907:
A car load of glass arrived in Newell yesterday for the Lake Newell green houses and the new improvements at this company's establishment on Sixth avenue will probably be finished by the last of the week.
The four new green houses have been erected by the Winandy brothers of Chicago. These brothers, five in number, are of Swedish descent and make a business of building green houses. They erect every part from start to finish and are counted the best in their business.
When completed the Lake Newell Floral company will have the finest equipped and largest green houses in this section of the country. In view of the large business carried on during the past seasons, the new additions will not prove unwelcome.

From a 1907 WV Corporation listing: details about the Lake Newell Floral Co.

Lake Newell Floral Company stock certificate, dated December 11, 1906.
From the collection of the Museum of Ceramics, Ohio History Connection.