HLC Pocket Calendars
LaurelHollowPark.net, an informative website created and
maintained by Mark Gonzalez. Copyright © 2009-.
Shown belower are celluloid pocket calendars Homer Laughlin issued to their sales staff to be given away to buyers.
The promotional pieces measure 2 ½" by 4 ¾".
Older ones from the 1910s and 1920s feature the main offices and plant number 4 in Newell, WV. They also list both the Newell and East Liverpool plants on the backs.
After the East Liverpool, Ohio plants closed in 1929, the replacement calendars showed plant number 6 until 1934 when different lines of dinnerware were featured on the front. These would change from year to year with many being repeated in the late 1940s and 1950s, particularly with Blue Willow and Cavalier.
 Celluloid pocket calendars from 1917, 1925, 1928, and 1929 showing the main offices and plant number 4 in Newell, West Virginia.
|  Celluloid pocket calendars from 1917, 1925, 1928, and 1929, reverse. They all list the Newell, WV and East Liverpool, Ohio locoations.
|  Harlequin, Fiesta, OvenServe from the 1930s and Jubilee from the late 1940s.
|  Georgian Eggshell (1941), Serenade (1940), Highland Plaid (1953), and Bali Flower (1951).
|  Blue Willow pocket calendars from 1945, 1946, 1952, and 1956.
|  Cavalier Eggshell pocket calendars from 1954, 1955, and 1959.
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